How does the Enrollment Process work? For details about applying and the lottery process, please follow this link.
One of the best resources is the Family Guidebook. It has details about our core values, attendance expectations, behavior expectations and more. The guidebook can be found here.
What hours is school in session?
School Hours on M, W, Th, F:
Instruction begins @ 8:20 AM - Instruction ends @ 3:45 PM
Students with last name A- I will be dismissed from 3:45 - 4:00 PM
Students with last name J - Z will be dismissed from 4:00 - 4:15 PM
School Hours on Tuesday:
Instruction begins @ 8:20 AM - Instruction ends @ 2:30 PM
Students with last name A- I will be dismissed from 2:30 - 2:45 PM
Students with last name J - Z will be dismissed from 2:45 - 3:00 PM
Does GRCDC have before and after school Care available for my child?
Grand Rapids Child discover Center Partners with Grand Rapids Early Discovery Center for on site before and after school care.
School Meal Calendar- Please Click Here
Does GRCDC have a PTA?
Yes; we call our PTA the Family Team
When you enrolled your child in Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center, you joined a diverse community that aims to expand the potential of all children. This requires a partnership between school staff, family members, and the broader community.
Most schools have a group of dedicated people that works with the school to support its mission by raising funds, hosting events, and supporting extracurricular activities. These groups are often called Parent-Teacher Organizations. At GRCDC, this group is known as the Family Team, and it includes all GRCDC families. The Family Team provides the organizing structure for parent and guardian involvement at the school. Your membership in the Family Team is automatic.
Ways to help.
here are many ways to be involved with the Family Team. Your time commitment can be big or small. You can help at school or from home. We need people, amateur or professional, who are artists, designers, tech enthusiasts, numbers people, cleaners, decorators, gardeners, organizers, handy people, photographers, writers, and bakers. We need volunteer coordinators, fundraisers, and event planners. We need people who can come to meetings and share ideas or show up to events and lend a hand.